California Monitoring Program (CMP)
The Department of Fish and Game and NOAA Fisheries have been developing a statewide plan to initiate standard monitoring of coastal populations of anadromous fish species from San Diego to Del Norte counties. The fish population and habitat information gathered will allow better conservation of coastal coho and Chinook salmon and steelhead.
CDFW Red Bluff Upper Sacramento River Basin Salmonid Monitoring
The Upper Sacramento River Basin (USRB) contains much of California's salmon and steelhead populations. This page contains salmon and steelhead assessment project files consisting of long term data, annual reports, databases, spreadsheets and descriptions of monitoring efforts.
Central Valley Chinook Adult Escapement Monitoring Plan
The goal of this project was to develop a comprehensive monitoring plan for Central Valley Chinook salmon escapement, which provides fishery managers the data necessary to assess Chinook population status and trends. This information is necessary as part of an overall strategy to ensure Chinook conservation and is critical to moving forward on numerous management and recovery efforts.
Central Valley Steelhead Comprehensive Monitoring
The goal of this project is to develop a comprehensive monitoring plan for Central Valley steelhead, which when implemented, will provide fishery managers the data necessary to assess steelhead population status and trends.
NOAA Authorizations and Permits for Protected Species
Provides a link to the NOAA NMFS issued permits for protected species summarized by HUC 8 geographic units as a way to provide information about anadromous fish research, and monitoring that is occurring.
Protected Spawning Areas - Fish and Game Code 1505
California Fish & Game Code section 1505 designates hydrographic units designated as protected spawning areas.
Restoration Groups by Watershed
The Restoration Groups by Watershed tool helps facilitate collaboration by providing names of groups or agencies working in a hydrologic unit with links to their websites. A map based search is used to query this data.
Restoration Projects
The California Habitat Restoration Project Database (CHRPD) captures, manages, and disseminates data about habitat restoration projects in California benefiting anadromous fish. The CHRPD currently contains data from the California Department of Fish and Game’s Fisheries Restoration Grants Program (FRGP), the CALFED Ecosystem Restoration Program (ERP), the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, the State Coastal Conservancy, the NOAA Restoration Center, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the California Conservation Corps, and the Cantara Trustee Council.
Wildlife Conservation Board
The primary responsibilities of the Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) are to select, authorize and allocate funds for the purchase of land and waters suitable for recreation purposes and the preservation, protection and restoration of wildlife habitat.