CEDEN is a cooperative effort of various groups involved in the water and environmental resources of the State of California.
Data sources are diverse and include field, sediment and water column data collected from freshwater, estuarine, and marine environments. The data come from laboratory, physical, and biological analyses and include data types associated with chemical, toxicological, field, bioassessment, invertebrate, fish, and bacteriological assay assessments. The points in this feature class represent CEDEN water quality, toxicity, tissue, and benthic station locations.
The hyperlink found in the PCount_Link attribute field will open a summary page listing the parameters measured at these stations with a count of results in addition to a range of dates that samples were collected in. The information on this page will give a general idea of what information is available for the station. A second hyperlink field named Download_Link is present to open the CEDEN Advanced Query Tool where detailed information specific to a station of interest can be retrieved and downloaded. In addition the CEDEN Advanced Query Tool includes a map viewer that displays station locations. The CEDEN Advanced Query Tool is the definitive source for station location data and will include any stations added after this geographic layer was published.