The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has been conducting annual escapement surveys on the Stanislaus River to estimate and monitor the number of adult fall-run Chinook salmon (
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) returning to spawn since 1952. Monitoring is conducted within the spawning reach, beginning upstream at Goodwin Dam (River Mile 58) and continuing downstream to Jacob Myers Park in Riverbank (River Mile 33). The current objectives of the escapement monitoring are to:
- Using the Cormack-Jolly-Seber method to estimate the escapement of fall run Chinook salmon on the Stanislaus River.
- Evaluate the distribution of salmon redds throughout the study area.
- Collect fork-length and sex data.
- Collect scale and otolith samples to conduct age determination and subsequent cohort analysis.
- Collect and analyze coded wire tag data from marked adipose fin clipped fish to determine escapement contribution of hatchery produced salmon.
- Escapement estimate and spawning data collected are used in evaluating the recovery of the species and fishery restoration in the basin.